Look no further if you are purchasing packaging materials in Chicago or the state of Illinois. We inventory and stock literally thousands of products for shipping and packaging your products. Where else can you choose from over 1000 different box sizes that are on the shelf ready for immediate shipment. Moving boxes, shipping boxes, flat boxes, telescoping boxes, custom size boxes, cargo boxes, bulk boxes and every other type of packaging product you can think of. We provide customer pickup or delivery right to your door or dock for a nominal fee. If you have a need to reduce your packaging spend let us help you procure the corrugated products at a very competitive price. Check our prices on the web and see for yourself. We do our best to keep our prices low on our website, however if you have found cheaper boxes else where  we will do our very best to offer you a more competitive price. We service the greater Chicago area and offer next day delivery within a 100 mile radius. Corrugated Boxes in all sizes, styles and liner-board grades.